
Menjunjung Tinggi Toleransi Antar Umat Beragama

  Indonesia memiliki semboyan “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” yang mana memilki arti berbeda-beda tetapi tetap satu jua. Ini berarti bahwa masyarakat Indonesia memilki keanekaragaman ras, suku, agama, dan budaya namun Indonesia tetap satu. Keanekaragaman tersebut menjadi pondasi untuk kita menumbuhkan rasa toleransi antar umat beragama. Namun keanekaragaman tersebut dapat menjadi ancaman jika muncul rasa etnosentrisme. Etnosentrisme merupakan suatu persepsi atau pandangan yang dimiliki oleh masing-masing individu yang menganggap bahwa kebudayaan yang dimilikinya lebih baik dari budaya lainnya atau membanggakan budayanya sendiri dan menganggap rendah budaya lain. Sikap etnosentrisme ini yang harus kita cegah agar tidak terjadi perpecahan. Etnosentrisme dapat kita cegah dengan memunculkan rasa toleransi antar manusia. Jadi keanekaragaman ini mempunyai nilai positif dan negatif bagi Indonesia. Namun kita sebagai generasi penerus bangsa harus bisa menumbuhkan nilai positif tersebut dengan cara menu

SDG'S 4 (Quality Education)

 Hello everyone....  Hope y'all stay healthy and happy during this pandemic. Now i'm gonna implementing SDG's number 4 which is Quality Education.  This pandemic make student can't go to school like usually. They have to study on their own without teacher guidance. This is one of the causes of students lack of discipline in studying. Not only that, some students spend a lot of time playing online games.   So i made a question for some students and the result is in this picture.   Altough not all students play online games, but i'm sad to see one of them answered that he spent 8 hours playing online games. This makes me want to give direction to them not to play too much online games and how important studying for their future.  Hereafter, i took the initiative to open a class for those who want to study and need guidance in studying.   After i gave the lesson, at least they understood the material that they tought was difficult to understand and they have no trouble

Past Tense

Past Tense From Text 'The Person Who Spokes About Covid-19' 1. (+) Achmad Yurianto was born in Malang, 11 March 1962. (-) Achmad Yurianto wasn't born in Malang, 11 March 1962. (?) Was Achmad Yurianto born in Malang, 11 March 1962? 2. (+) He was educated in the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University class of 1990. (-) He wasn't educated in the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University class of 1990. (?) Was he educated in the Faculty of Medicine,Airlangga University class of 1990? 3. (+) Achmad Yurianto began his career in the military as the First Military Region V Officer of Brawijaya in 1987. (-) Achmad Yurianto didn't began his career in the military as the First Military Region V Officer of Brawijaya in 1987. (?) Did Achmad Yurianto began his career in the military as the First Military Region V Officer of Brawijaya in 1987? 4. (+) He served as Head of Health at Pattimura Regional Military Command and led the Kostrad Health Battalion.

The Person Who Spokes About Covid-19

     Achmad Yurianto is a spokesperson for the case handling of Corona in Indonesia. Achmad Yurianto was born in Malang, 11 March 1962. He was educated in the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University class of 1990. Achmad Yurianto began his career in the military as the First Military Region V Officer of Brawijaya in 1987. He served as Head of Health at Pattimura Regional Military Command and led the Kostrad Helath Battalion. Achmad Yurianto had a mission as a doctor of the 745 Infantry Battalion/ Sampada Yudha Bakti who was assigned to Dili, East Timor in 1991. His career began to improve after he became Deputy Head of Dustira Level II Hospital, Cimahi,  West Java in 2006.   Aside from being a spokesperson for the Corona virus, Achmad Yurianto was also just officially inaugurated by the Indonesian Minister of Health, Dr.dr. Terawan Agus Putranto as Director General of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia.   Achmad Yurianto represe